Girls Whose Parents Can't Spell :-)
I spent my grade school years explaining to people that Brook is the boys name and Brooke is the girls name. Yet I am encountering more and more girls whose parents have chosen to use the "masculine" spelling. Although, I do agree that the e at the end does seem superfluous, if it were not to differentiate.
There does seem to be precedent in naming children to having the same name for boys and girls, but just altering the last letter.
Below is a list of girls whose parents have spelled their name "wrong".
- Brook Wilson - Girl I went to high school with. She was a Freshman when I was a Senior. She was a volleyball player.
- Brook Mahealani Lee - Miss Universe 1997
- Brook Roberts - Girl who lost the Amazing Race in season 17. Her teammate Claire took a watermelon to the face.
- Brook Roberts - Sister of a 3 year old little boy, Petr M. Klembara, who was killed by being kicked by a horse in December 2010.